Major Arcana

Minor Arcana

Matchsticks (Fire)

Lightbulbs (Air)

Teardrops (Water)

Beans (Earth)

Card Meanings

Major Arcana

00 The Beginning
This card represents the birth of Spring (Yellow) with the egg (female). It is the beginning of the journey. The egg is created by fire (Spiritual) with earth (Material). Within the egg are the four elemental devices: The matchstick representing the Spirit (fire). The lightbulb representing the Mind (air). The teardrop representing the Soul (water). The bean representing the Body (Earth). These elemental devices are white in color for they have yet to exist. The white dots represent the sperm (male) that begins life.
Element: Fire

01 The Present
This card represents the present moment with the white dot in the center. All the elements (Fire, Air, Water, Earth) are present and set neutrally without conflict. The black lines come to a point in the center where the Magician pulls his own strings of fate. The elemental devices, matchstick (Spirit), lightbulb (Mind), teardrop (Soul), and bean (Body) have been activated and are ready for use.
Element: Air
Planet: Mercury

02 The Divine
This card represents the dual (Divine) nature. This is shown by the white and black dolphins. One is above while the other is below representing cycles and the Universal Law “As Above, So Below.” The moon represents intuition and tidal phases. The swells of the waves represent the extremes of emotional duality (maniac/depressive) which are influenced by the power of the Moon phases.
Element: Water
Planet: Moon

03 The Earth Mother
This card represents femininity (pink background) and Motherhood. She is represented by the tree whose branches break through the top (Spirit) and whose roots dig through the bottom (Material). She combines the Spirit with the Material. Her large breasts represent her nurturing milk. With her hands she both gives and receives. The white dove represents her purity and innocence and the rabbit, her fertility. Her wisdom is shown is the graying of her bark but remains youthful with her voluminous curves (Venus).
Element: Earth
Planet: Venus

04 The Authority
This card represents masculinity (fiery colors) and Fatherhood. He is represented as the Ram (Aries). The disk in the sky represents the Sun and Mars combined. He has established his authority and is crowned by fire (mountains). He faces West, the direction of fire. The lamb represents the humble, submissive aspect by facing East. The flowers represent Spring, the beginning of the year.
Element: Fire
Sign: Aries

05 The Teacher
This card represents faith. The black background represents ignorance. The mother elephant represents the glow of wisdom (orange). Her glow lights the way. She remembers and can help avoid the pitfalls. She represents the old ways. The moon sliver and the tusks represent Taurus. The calf represents the ability to learn old traditions while still creating new ones.
Element: Earth
Sign: Taurus

06 The Connectors
This card represents the connection of opposites. Each half is opposite in nature. Yet each half fulfills that which is missing in the other half. The two become one (connection) yet keep their own nature. The black/white colors represent the Gemini twins. They are mutable or flexibly minded, adapting where necessary.
Element: Air
Sign: Gemini

07 The Meditator
This card represents the astral plane which can be accessed through mediation. The meditator is yellow gold which represents the illumination of the Spirit as a result of meditation. Knowing who and what you are provides a form of protection. The white dots represent the connections to the astral plane. The full moon is present to assist the meditator in their travels. Cancer is influenced by the Moon. The bowl with the water spouts represents the emotional nature of Cancer, running hot (red) and cold (blue). The red magick carpet allows the meditator to move when necessary and in any direction. The red color denotes the carpet’s ability for action, even while passive.
Element: Water
Sign: Cancer

08 The Balancer
This card represents equilibrium. The blue color represents mental ability. Lady Justice must balance (tight rope) between possessions (pot of gold) and relationships (heart) over doubts and lies (clouds). She is naked to show that she has no ulterior motives. The bright sun reveals the truth and blinds her to prejudice. Her goal is total mental balance (white spot).
Element: Air
Sign: Libra

09 The Spirit Guide
This card represents inner wisdom. The figure in the white robe with the staff is your inner guide, the highest form of yourself. The guide is indistinct because they can take any form that is appropriate for you. Through introspection, you connect with this guide, whose lamp shows the path to manifestation. The path is rough with twists and turns and all kinds of ups and downs along the way. Following the light of revelation, your guide’s experience marks the wisest way to go. The surrounding forest represents the earth sign of Virgo.
Element: Earth
Sign: Virgo

10 Luck
This card represents causation. For every effect, there is a cause, and every cause is an effect in something else. There are no coincidences, nothing happens by chance. The Universe exists in cycles. The wheel (Universal cycle) spins, sometimes to fortune (gold), other times to misfortune (black). The violet color represents the finer things in life. The white color represents a lack in the basic necessities of life.
Element: Fire
Planet: Jupiter

11 Passion
This card represents soul fire. The heart is the intention or desire within the soul, positive (white) or negative (black). This intention or desire ignites the flames of passion that burn from within. This brings enthusiasm, empowerment, strength, confidence and power but without control can be destructive and fully consume you.
Element: Fire
Sign: Leo

12 Surrender
This card represents giving up and the necessity of breaking out of old behavior patterns. The ice grid in the background represents these rigid behavior patterns which have trapped you (hole). You are emotionally numb (blue arm). You must surrender your will (white flag) to a higher power, the Cosmic order of the Universe. In this way, you see the world from a whole new perspective. You can find new ways to break the old patterns, get unstuck and start moving again.
Element: Water

13 Transformation
This card represents intense change. The caterpillar represents reaching our limitations for growth. The cocoon represents the death of the old, outdated relationships. The old bonds are broken down. The dead relationships are cut away and released. The butterfly represents rebirth. You are a new creation, no longer limited by old bonds or dead relationships. The colors of the butterfly represents the rainbow, the promise of a new life.
Element: Water
Sign: Scorpio

14 Merge
This card represents the union of opposites. It is the art of Alchemy, turning lead (black background) to gold (arrow). It involves breaking down to the lowest form (rainbow lines) and then fusing the parts together to create something new (arrow) in its highest form (gold). The arrow also represents Sagittarius, the sign for this card.
Element: Fire
Sign: Sagittarius

15 Bondage
This card represents restrictions and taboos, especially moral and religious. We are slaves to these restrictions. The nun costume represents religious restrictions. The red gag ball represents sexual restrictions. We have a need to break these restrictions. The man dressed as a nun represents satire. Laughter can bring stability.
Element: Earth
Sign: Capricorn

16 Destruction
This card represents shock, trauma and the destruction of the ego. The over-inflated ego has been destroyed by a traumatic or shocking event. The walls that were built on false beliefs have been brought down. The objects that defined our status are destroyed. The man represents the ego (red), which is now down to its lowest point. Though everything appears destroyed the foundation remains, the core of our true self. A healthier ego can now be rebuilt on this foundation with true beliefs.
Element: Fire
Planet: Mars

17 Inspiration
This card represents intellectual existence. (“I think therefore I am”) The figure represents the Aquarius man who has a forward thinking mind (light blue color). The scattered stars represent information (ideas, thoughts and possibilities). The eight-point star represents hopes and dreams which guide us forward.
Element: Air
Sign: Aquarius

18 Illusion
This card represents darkness and duality. The darkness is only a veil of illusion which can be pulled back to reveal the light within the soul. The zipper represents the hidden, secret parts within us. The hole is shaped like a vagina which when opened reveals the beauty deep within (the flowering trees). The river (feelings), representing Pisces, either flows freely (blue) or is frozen solid (black).
Element: Water
Sign: Pisces

19 Revelation
This card represents light and truth. The man represents the revelation from a common person (black suit) to the super hero (yellow light) within all of us. The black suit represents his personal maturity, while the white shirt reprents his pure intentions. The red tie represents his stand for truth, justice and freedom. His green eyes represent creative energy. He reveals that he is the source of great positive, cooperative energy (yellow light) that is shared to all equally.
Element: Fire
Planet: Sun

20 Time
This card represents Univeral cycles, which we refer to as time. The Sun represents spiritual maturity, discernment and active energy (day). The Moon represents emotional maturity, perception and passive energy (night). The hourglass represents the rhythym created by these cycles. We refer to these cycles as seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years, centuries, millennia, ages and eons because we are linear with a beginning (birth) and an end (death), yet the Universe is non-linear, working in endless cycles.
Element: Fire

21 Cosmic Consciousness
The card represents wholeness. The eye represents the inner consciousness which is fully open and receptive. The swirling colors represent all aspects of our being. They are free of any and all shackles, bonds or restrictions and flow together in oneness. The swirling colors are bright to represent the highest form of consciousness. We have completed our journey and are now one with the Universe (Cosmic Consciousness).
Element: Earth
Planet: Saturn

Minor Arcana

Matchsticks (Fire)

22 One / The Spark
This card represents action. The black background represents the cold darkness of the void (emptiness). The power of desire and the will (intent) is put into motion (matchstick). You create, start or activate something. The flame represents the initial result of this creation.
Fire of Fire

23 Two / Influence
This card represents directed power. The black headed matchstick represents being fully consumed by creative or aggressive energy (flame). The blue headed matchstick represents being drawn, by desire or need, to such energy. The red portion of the matchstick represents the effect of directed power (influence) onto someone or something else.
Sign: Aries
Planet: Mars

24 Three / Integrity
This card represents honesty, harmony and high morality. The three matchsticks represent the body (green), intellect (blue) and spirit (red) working to remain whole, undivided and without corruption. The orange background represents the vitality or life energy that is created and maintained by integrity (flame).
Sign: Aries
Planet: Sun

25 Four / Unity
This card represents integration and completion. The matchsticks represent the four elements, Fire/Spiritual (red), Air/Mental (yellow), Water/Emotional (blue) and Earth/Physical (dark brown). These elements are integrated in harmony (united) with their opposites in the center. This creates motion (circle of fire) and a creative union (green background).
Sign: Aries
Planet: Venus

26 Five / Frustration
This card represents limitation, resistance, opposition and blockage. Frustration arises from the perceived resistance to the fulfillment of your will or goal you have (yellow background). It is likely to increase when your will or goal is denied or blocked (broken unlit matchsticks).
Sign: Leo
Planet: Saturn

27 Six / Achievement
This card represent success through courage and strength. The violet mountain represents breakthroughs to challenges or obstacles. The gold matchstick represents the reward gained from achievement. The red (fire) matchstick represents creative expression. The yellow (air) matchstick represents flexibility. The blue (water) matchstick represents intuition. The green (earth) matchstick represents growth and maturity. The black matchstick represents determination.
Sign: Leo
Planet: Jupiter

28 Seven / Courage
This card represents bravery and boldness. The orange headed matchsticks represent a united front directing significant vital energy towards a common purpose. The lion, which the matchsticks create, is a Universal symbol for courage, boldness and bravery. It also represents Leo, the sign of this card. The violet background represents the ego which is bolstered by a previous victory or achievement.
Sign: Leo
Planet: Mars

29 Eight / High Speed
This card represents direct communication and quick action. The blue background represents clarity and the openness to communicate. It’s lighter towards the center to represent intensity and speed of communication. Each matchstick carries a different message to you and is rainbow colored to represent wholeness. When you receive the message, which is usually positive, it is important that you act quickly and speak directly. In this way, you avoid misunderstandings and complete the task quickly.
Sign: Sagittarius
Planet: Mercury

30 Nine / Endurance
This card represents inner strength or stamina. It is our inner pilot light. The black background represents ignorance, weakness, difficult situations and the unconscious will. The flame has no end and represents our full potential and the conscious will that perseveres. The yellow tipped matchsticks represent determination.
Sign: Sagittarius
Planet: Sun (Moon)

31 Ten / Overpower
The card represents repression and oppression. The fiery background represents superior strength and power. The matchsticks, five vertical crossing five horizontal, have become bars and no longer burn. Instead they restrict and repress our superior strength, sometimes through prolonged cruel or unjust treatment or control, other times by internal fear.
Sign: Sagittarius
Planet: Saturn

32 Princess / Liberation
This card represents freedom from fear. The woman represents the adventurous and spontaneous spirit of Spring (Aries). She is yellow for she draws her energy from the Springtime Sun which flows down her hair. She has faced her fear (tiger) head on by acknowledging it thus defeated it and turned it into strength (riding on its back). She is naked for she has no shame. The chain around her waist represents the gold of the Sun. The fiery red background represents vitality and passion which is in abundance. The flowers represent Springtime.
Earth of Fire

33 Prince / Expression
This card represents creative expression. The coloring on the man’s skin represents vitality, creative energy, courage and charisma. He wears a golden lion mask (Leo) which represents his playful, creative nature with a tendency towards melodrama. His blue eyes represent his romantic (emotional) nature. He is naked because he is proud of his appearance. His fist shows that he may choose violence to resolve his issues. He can be perceived as arrogant, intimidating or haughty. He sits in a relaxed position while he floats above the ground (dominance) on his Golden Fleece (authority). The grass represents his potential for growth. The yellow background shows that the Sun’s energy feeds him.
Air of Fire

34 Queen / Compassion
This card represents sympathy born of empathy and understanding. The woman represents Spiritual transformation and development. She used to have dark black hair but has transformed herself. Her hair is now a fiery orange representing her vitality. She has stopped her transformation just short of blonde/white. Her shoulders, arms and hands form a heart which represents her understanding of the feelings of others which shows her compassion and nurturing spirit for those she deems less developed than herself. She rides on her Sun disk from which she draws support. She draws strength from the flames of passion below. You cannot see her feet for her vitality never stops moving or rests. The cheetah represents past memory. He used to be a black panther but is transforming into a lion. He stops short at cheetah. The spots are a reminder of the dark past. He is a marker to show how far they have developed.
Water of Fire

35 Knight / Vision
This card represents the power of insight and perception while being goal-minded. The sun in the middle (and background) represents the revelation that creates the focus of our Spiritual vision. The beams of light draw us into the vision like a magnet. The man wears an armor of gold for he is protected by the power of his perception. His hair is fiery to show his vitality, courage and strength. He is launched forward facing his vision which he also points his finger toward. He is riding on a dragon which represents great power that has been channeled towards a common purpose. The dragon burns away any possible obstacle in the path towards the vision. The dragon is black to show that he is fully consumed by the vision. He puts all he has into the vision, holding nothing back.
Fire of Fire

Lightbulbs (Air)

36 One / Bright Idea
This card represents initial thought or “aha” moment. The black background represents ignorance and the unknown. The light bulb represents the mind with intellect (yellow) and knowledge (gray) that creates the bright idea. The yellow rays represent the spreading of the bright idea while dispelling ignorance.
Fire of Air

37 Two / Agreement
This card represents inner peace due to an agreement of the mind (bulbs). The yellow color represents mental intelligence and knowledge. The blue color represents emotional intuition and transformation. The green represents the choice or decision made by the combination of mind and soul. The sockets show the mental and emotional connection (agreement) which allows them to be compatible to each other bringing inner peace of mind.
Sign: Libra
Planet: Moon

38 Three / Regret
This card represents mental imbalance and remorse. The dark green color in the background represents the moroseness of a darkened mind. The lamp shade represents the shame experienced from a poor choice or bad decision. The yellow light bulb represents the limited thoughts and ideas that are available. The other bulb sharing the socket has nothing inside. This represents distrust and doubts in choices or decisions. A third bulb, that has all its parts, is tied to the socket. It cannot provide any thoughts or ideas because it is not connected. This represents someone or something that does not belong. They can only create tension and problems while providing no solution.
Sign: Libra
Planet: Saturn

39 Four / Negotiation
This card represents mental equilibrium or a centered mind. The light blue background represents active intelligence. The bulbs represent the four elements: yellow (air/mind), red (fire/spirit), green (earth/body), blue (water/soul). They also represent the Four-Fold way: Show up, Pay attention, Tell the truth and Don’t be attached to the outcome. Each bulb is independent yet equal and balanced. The white lines represent the connections between them. They negotiate on what appears to be an equal playing field. All looks calm on the surface yet there may be disruptive influences hidden so extra attention is warranted.
Sign: Libra
Planet: Jupiter

40 Five / Doubt
This card represents mental fear. The bulbs represent the emptiness that doubt leaves the mind. They are glass, showing vulnerability, in the form of an inverted pentagram representing the loss of equality and equilibrium. The dark blue represents the past that haunts us. The red represents a lack of motion and a desire to avoid pain. The purple represents a lack of awareness. The dark green represents a lack of growth. The yellow green represents the loss of focus. The light blue represents the mind attempting to break through the fear to gain clarity.
Sign: Aquarius
Planet: Venus

41 Six / Network
This card represents consensus and connections. The lines represent communication types like the world wide web. The background represents the cloud where digital information is stored. The lightbulbs represent the elements; Yellow (information), Red (digital), Blue (intuition), Green (programs), White (positive) and Black (negative). The lightbulbs are seen from above as they are all connected into the hexagram (6 pointed star). This hexagram represents the combination of all elements with all their attributes into one harmonious agreement (consensus).
Sign: Aquarius
Planet: Mercury

42 Seven / Expectations
This card represents pessimistic thinking. The blue background represents that all is well, but the pessimistic mind clouds the view. The large black lightbulb at the top represents self-sabotoge caused by this pessimism. The other lightbulbs represent the results of self-sabotage. The red lightbulb shows no action occurs. The blue lightbulb shows feelings are withheld. The yellow lightbulb shows mental disconnection. The green lightbulb shows no growth occurs. The brown lightbulb shows a lack of grounding. The violet lightbulb shows a lack of purpose.
Sign: Aquarius
Planet: Moon

43 Eight / Indecision
This card represents difficulty in making a choice. There are either too many choices or not enough. The lightbulbs represent the variety of choices that are presented. All the choices are equal in merit so there is no clear solution. The background represents the mental storm created by a lack of clarity and over analyzing the choices. The more you try to untangle the knot, the more tangled you get and the tighter the knots become.
Sign: Gemini
Planet: Jupiter

44 Nine / Brutal
This card represents the bluntness of reason and logic. The background colors represent the cold, hard truth of reason and logic. The center lightbulb represents an idea that is unable to maintain integrity (cracks). It is no longer enlightened (coil is broken). The blood red lightbulbs represent facts and truths that cannot be ignored. All that begins, ends. All that is born, dies. All that is fresh, stales. All that is light, darkens. The yellow coils in the lightbulbs represent the aggressive energy used to punish the mind with the inevitability that all comes to nothingness.
Sign: Gemini
Planet: Mars

45 Ten / Panic
This card represents extreme negative thinking to the point of anxiety which results in panic. The background represents the manic energy of a panic storm. The lightbulb cap (bottom) is black to represent negative thinking. This has caused the lightbulb to explode into ten pieces. The two pieces in the front represent the fear of a broken heart (emotional). The two pieces at the top represent the fear of a broken bank account $ (financial). The other broken pieces represent the destructive power of negative thinking bringing all to ruin.
Sign: Gemini
Planet: Sun

46 Princess / Chaos
This card represents practical application of ideas as well as confusion and moodiness. The woman represents the female Amazon warrior. She is impulsive and aggressive, yet protective, nurturing and practical. She is down to Earth (mountain). When threatened, she is defensive, casting dust in the air to confuse her enemies, yet she blocks out knowledge and wisdom (moodiness). The sparrow represents her earthly nurturing nature for it bathes in the dust as a form of protection. The green-yellow background represents her ability to take ideas and make them practical; physically, financially or in business.
Earth of Air

47 Prince / Idea Man
This card represents unrestricted, creative thinking. The light blue background represents intuition. The clouds represent thinking “outside the box” or innovative thinking. The man, with no top to his head represents an open mind, without prejudice. The colors of his skin represent the creation of an idea or thought. The lightbulbs represent the variety of his thoughts/ideas; Creative, Inspirational, Logical, Beneficial. The raven represents intelligence and adaptability.
Air of Air

48 Queen / The Counselor
This card represents rational, logical and insightful thinking. The woman, who sits upon a cloud (passive), has golden yellow skin representing her natural intellect and orange hair representing a liberated mind. Her dress is blue representing intuition and green to show her healing and nurturing capacity. She once wore the bearded mask that is at her feet. She does not want to pretend to be something she is not, so she has removed this mask in order to be her true self. She rises above the clouds of emotional doubt so she may see every situation clearly. She holds a scale (impartial) that weighs spirit (red lightbulb) with emotion (blue lightbulb) in a perfectly balanced manner judging without prejudice. The owl shows her inherent wisdom and insight.
Water of Air

49 Knight / The Messenger
This card represents the reasoning, sharp, yet flexible mind. The clouds in the background represent an active, thinking mind. The wizard’s orange robes represent his ability to connect knowledge (yellow lightbulb) with willpower (red lightbulb). His white beard represents his acquired wisdom. The eagle represents intelligence and intense determination to bring the message or find a solution. The eagle carries a bar, in which, he balances intuition (blue lightbulb) and common sense (green lightbulb) which is used in the decision-making process.
Fire of Air

Teardrops (Water)

50 One / The Soul
This card represents the deepest part of our being. The blue teardrop represents the purest form of emotion. The heart represents the center of emotion. It is white (purity) with red border (Spirit). The white lines shining from the heart’s center represent the expression of emotions. The colors surrounding the teardrop show the variety and depth of emotions. The swirling white lines within the heart represent the many lives in which the soul has previously existed.
Fire of Water

51 Two / Relationship
This card represents love or the union of opposites. The two teardrops are unified into one. The relationship is equal and special, as all relationships must be. The pink (Venus) side represents beauty and love, the feminine, internal experience. The dark blue (Cancer) represents truth, honesty and loyalty, the masculine, external experience. Each side contains its opposite within it. The light blue sky represents clarity and understanding. The yellow reflection in the water represents inspiration and Spirituality. The green reflection in the water represents creativity, nurturing and growth.
Sign: Cancer
Planet: Venus

52 Three / Inner Circle
This card represents the true friendship you have among those who are closest to you. The sky and sea in the background represent a clear and calm emotional state. The yellow tear drop represents uplifting and positive communication while the red part indicates encouragement and empowerment. The rose colored tear drop represents the rarity and specialness of your relationship with the purple part showing the depth of your friendship. The violet teardrop shows the enriching value of your friendship while the green area represents the growth your relationship creates. The white center represents the Spiritual fulfillment your close friends bring to you on an emotional level.
Sign: Cancer
Planet: Mercury

53 Four / Contentment
This card represents the luxurious emotional state of inner and outer happiness and satisfaction. The four teardrops represent expression (red), communication (yellow), intuition (blue) and devotion (dark brown), each part nurtures the soul and brings emotional contentment both within and without, in equal measure. The ring of water shows the driving need for emotional contentment. When fulfilled, it’s an emotional gift, but also a trap. The trap is becoming dependent on the familiarity of luxurious, emotional state. This dependency becomes restrictive and oppressive, which loses clarity (dark sky). It also becomes dull and boring like the still, light blue water.
Sign: Cancer
Planet: Moon

54 Five / Burned
This card represents frustration, sorrow, despair and suffering. Emotions have dried up represented by the orange sky and dark bottom. With no emotion, you are brittle represented by the white, hollow, glass-like tears with cracks. The broken heart in the top two teardrops represents the hurt feelings, disappointment and loneliness you experience. The light blue butterfly in the bottom teardrop represents hope for the needed transformation into a higher form.
Sign: Scorpio
Planet: Mars

55 Six / Enjoyment
This card represents the state of experiencing deep emotional & sensual gratification. The background represents the depth and fullness of our emotional feelings. We are immersed in our pleasurable feelings. Each teardrop represents different areas in which we experience pleasure; passion & lust (red), Spiritual cleansing (purple), mental & social (peach), physical & sexual release (pink), deep renewal (dark blue), self-esteem boost (golden green). They are all connected in the center (soul) and like a flower they bloom.
Sign: Scorpio
Planet: Sun

56 Seven / Binge
This card represents emotional indulgence in excessive behavior so as to avoid or numb emotional wounds or painful memories. In order to “feel good”, we indulge in excessive behavior represented by the teardrops, like over-eating, over-spending, indiscriminate sex, over-sleeping, alcoholism, smoking or drug addiction. Each teardrop looks dull and lifeless for all that is positive and good has been sucked out, all that is left now, is poison. While we indulge in excessive behavior, we may numb the pain, but we are unable to heal our emotional wounds and let go of painful memories.
Sign: Scorpio
Planet: Venus

57 Eight / Stagnant
This card represents the over-extension of emotional energy to the point of exhaustion. We are drained of emotional energy represented by the teardrops as gray oily spots. Due to our lack of boundaries, the teardrops have no definition. We are in a depressed state represented by the dark and brooding sky which blocks most of the warmth and light of healthy relationships. We have no desire to be emotionally involved in any activities represented by the greenish brown bottom. This shows a stagnant state where no feelings flow. We become the couch-potato that doesn’t even have enough energy to change the channel on the TV remote. In this state, we are vulnerable to sickness and disease.
Sign: Pisces
Planet: Saturn

58 Nine / Bliss
This card represents great joy and happiness both internally and externally. The blue and purple background represents the depth of quality in the emotional experience. The gold teardrops represent the great tangible value that blessedness provides on body, mind and spirit. The golden swirls at the bottom represent the ever-expanding feelings of joy that make one feel complete and whole. The river of gold at the bottom represents the flowing feelings of well- being on body, mind and spirit.
Sign: Pisces
Planet: Jupiter

59 Ten / Satisfaction
This card represents the fulfillment of desires that must continuously be maintained. The orange background represents the energy used to gain and maintain a satisfied state. The gold teardrops represent the rich emotional feelings that have been attained. The crimson stripe represents the blood (life energy) that was spent to gain satisfaction. The white stripe represents the mental effort used in the same pursuit. Each teardrop has left a residual trail of gold which creates a golden cage. The trail represents the lost value that occurs due to your continuing need to remain satisfied. This continuing need to remain satisfied is the trap that is your golden cage.
Sign: Pisces
Planet: Mars

60 Princess / Fairy-tale
This card represents freedom from possessiveness, jealousy and manipulation. It is emotional security. The blue ocean background represents deep emotions. The mermaid represents birth and rebirth, the renewal of the soul. She is sweet, tender and emotionally deep. She is emotionally independent yet; she lives in a fairy-tale world. She seeks the happily-ever after relationship, even if she can be too trusting. Her skin color represents the growth she offers to you, but her scales can hide the truth. The sea turtle represents her emotional longevity and loyalty. Her relationships can be lifelong. The sea anemone that is offered represents all her beauty and voluptuousness but, it can be deceptive for it has a sting that can protect her. The dolphin represents her ability to communicate her feelings, desires and concerns in realistic and meaningful ways.
Earth of Water

61 Prince / The Lover
This card represents romantic, passionate love. He is a sensitive, artistic, warm and gentle dreamer but can also be a fake, secretive, shallow and seductive liar. He is the misunderstood artist yet, he is concerned for his own needs, not others. He defends the dignity of love while totally exploiting it (purple snake). He is willing to let go of something good today for something potentially better tomorrow (white lotus). He combines intuition with reason. He can be very insightful when he wants to. He knows how to communicate emotion to others but is not dependable because he changes directions as easily as the wind (albatross).
Air of Water

62 Queen / Dreams
This card represents As Above So Below and the reflective quality of our conscious to our unconscious. The blue woman represents emotional authenticity. She owns her feelings, expressing them accurately and openly without blame, judgment or apologies. Her image is mirrored in the pool represented by the white woman. This shows her deepest state of emotional being reflected into the world around her. The stars in the sky and the ripples in the water represent our dreams for which she is our guide. The moon at the top represents the conscious mind while the blue moon represents the unconscious mind. The stork represents the birth of new forms, identities, talents and life itself on both conscious and unconscious levels. The lotus flower represents the emotional comfort she provides both consciously and unconsciously.
Water of Water

63 Knight / Devotion
This card represents love, loyalty and enthusiasm for all types of chosen relationships. The teardrop (love) represents the focus of our devotion. The beams that radiate from it represent unconditional love and Spiritual healing. The figure on the seahorse (loyalty) is naked showing openness and honesty, yet androgynous, representing divinity. The arms are extended representing enthusiasm for the relationship while the crab (Cancer) tattoo represents the ability to regenerate oneself. The green color shows a creative love as well as a protection from envy and jealousy. The yellow hair represents enlightened wisdom which is reflected on the seahorse. The seahorse is also white representing spiritual purity. The seashell mirror below shows that vanity and ego have been left behind. The waves represents the uplifting nature and transcendent qualities of this card.
Fire of Water

Beans (Earth)

64 One / Opportunity
This card represents birth or the beginning of manifestation into reality or the material world. The Spirit is enlightened and knowledgeable represented by the yellow sky. The Earth is fertile (greenery) and supportive (mountains). The kidney bean seed (body) germinating into the ground is the soul unifying with the material world. The crack in the ground represents the opportunity to take root in the real, material world. It is our entrance into reality.
Fire of Earth

65 Two / Flexible
This card represents change, which is the only constant in the Universe. The sun (positive/active) and moon (negative/passive) represent the polarizing energies (Yin/Yang) that bring about change both internal and external. The beanstalk is bent in the infinity form representing the infinite motions and cycles of life which never end. It is also the figure 8 (eight) showing that we must adjust to the changes with flexibility. We must “go with the flow”. The end result brings about harmony and balance, internally and externally shown by the leaves and beans. The beanstalk rises above the top and its roots dig below the bottom representing “as above, so below”. The roots also represent the need for stability during times of change.
Sign: Capricorn
Planet: Jupiter

66 Three / Growth
This card represents the process of expansion in the physical world. Great effort is needed to move beyond your current state (pod). The three beans represent the combination of body (brown), mind (yellow) and spirit (red), as well as persistence, tenacity and commitment which are necessary for growth. The beans are together showing that effort needs to be organized. The background shows the beginnings of a garden (establishment) with fertile soil at the bottom. The fertile soil provides all the pod needs. The blue sky represents the need for clarity of purpose which can sometimes be blurred by doubt.
Sign: Capricorn
Planet: Mars

67 Four / Establishment
This card represents security, stability and order. “A man’s home is his castle.” This is your power base of operation, your domain (raised garden). The vines represent the dynamic vibration of power. Integrity (Sun) and character (sky) are vital, as is knowing your boundaries and your limits (boxes). Your attitude can be rigid and closed (poles), yet you are solid, stable and dependable (concrete base). Each box in the raised garden contains a different bean (element); Black (earth/physical), Red (fire/spiritual), Yellow (air/mental), Blue (water/emotional). This represents all elements on all levels.
Sign: Capricorn
Planet: Sun

68 Five / Crisis
This card represents a period of intense difficulty, trouble or danger, as well as our fear of the unexpected and personal insecurities. The fiery sky represents the chaos created when the unexpected occurs. The ground is no longer solid and stable. There are cracks and pitfalls everywhere. Each of the five bean vines represent the suffering and strain caused by crisis. Spirit feels pulled down and crushed by the weight of the crisis. Energy has been wasted and is now depleted. Communications seem delayed or disconnected. Emotions feel unsupported or ignored. Resources are bankrupt.
Sign: Taurus
Planet: Mercury

69 Six / Blossom
This card represents growth, maturity and material success. The bright yellow center represents our inner harmony, self-awareness and optimistic outlook which manifests in the brown background. The beans represent each of the different steps necessary in order to achieve a successful outcome:
Black – Be disciplined and work step by step.
Green – Be open to new opportunities and flexible to taking necessary risks.
White – Follow your heart and what has true meaning for you.
Yellow – Organize communication with yourself and others.
Blue – Nurture yourself and stay authentic to what you believe in.
Red – Put your energy consistently into the right areas of your life.
The beans are arranged in the form of a flower to represent the tangible success we gain as a reward for following all of the steps.
Sign: Taurus
Planet: Mars

70 Seven / Choked
This card represents fear and negative expectations which restrict energy and ultimately ends in failure. The bean vines start off red representing life and promise. This quickly begins to get twisted, constricted and distorted by fear and dread shown by the different colors. Some of these fears include insurmountable obstacles, the fear of failure and even the fear of success. These fears are not always real, but we limit and restrict our energy in response which ends up manifesting into reality. Fear chokes out productivity which ends in failure represented by the white bean vines. There are white leaves on the vines showing that there was promise of success, but it has remained unfulfilled and unprofitable. Some of the leaves have fallen to the ground representing resignation of any hope.
Sign: Taurus
Planet: Saturn

71 Eight / Thrifty
This card represents being frugal, economical and careful with your resources. The bean vine (resource) is healthy and loaded with fruit but it is not yet ready for harvest so we must wait for the right moment. The canning jar represents protecting and preserving our resources, as well as long term planning. The lid is gold representing the sun along with the yellow sky show a cooperative energy and strength which is available to provide physical or financial balance. The green ground represents fertility.
Sign: Virgo
Planet: Sun

72 Nine / Profit
This card represents manifesting a tangible reward for investment, production or labor. The vendor cart represents creative power, investment and production. The beans represent love, tender patience, labor and a bountiful harvest. The cartwheel represents order and balance. The road shows organization. The trees in the background show the beauty of the natural world. The blue sky represents wisdom. The money bag filled with gold represents tangible or financial gain.
Sign: Virgo
Planet: Venus

73 Ten / Money
This card represents accumulated wealth. Money is the ultimate manifestation of the material world. This takes the form of gold coins with beans etched in them to remind of us of what it took to get it. Money represents prosperity which is shown by the yellow light. The term “Money talks” means it is a form of communication that everyone understands. But money is cold and impersonal represented by the black background. It is not actual food nor medicine. Money is a burden whether you have it or not. This is shown by the large, heavy coin on the top of the pile. We protect our money for fear of losing it which is represented by the bank vault. It is best not to hoard it shown by the open door on the vault. It is important to give back to the community.
Sign: Virgo
Planet: Mercury

74 Princess / Nurture
This card represents motherhood. The woman is pregnant representing her creative, fertile energy. She gives birth to new forms. She cradles a bean in her arm showing her caring, encouraging nature. She lifts her veil to shade the bean representing her protective side. She is plane and mundane on the outside for her beauty lies within her. The woman becomes a tree rooted deep in the earth showing that she is dependable and trustworthy. The roots are golden yellow like the sky above showing the nourishing energy she gives the Earth while drawing support from it. The lamb represents her pure, innocent and vulnerable nature. The lush bean vines behind her are the harvest that she has nurtured. This shows her abundance. The mountains represent her divinity.
Earth of Earth

75 Prince / Effort
This card represents practical action or hard work shown by the man pushing a plow. He is nude representing sensual, physical attraction. His hair is black representing stability and common sense. He pushes the plow which shows his determination and persistence. The bull represents strength for he is actually doing most of the work. This shows the man’s industrious skills. The bull and the man are both a rusty orange color representing their reliability and trustworthy nature. The background represents the old way nomadic way of gathering has now been replaced by a settled life of farming. This shows maturity and growth. The yellow sky represents a cooperative energy towards the development of bounty and abundance.
Air of Earth

76 Queen / Oasis
This card represents fruitfulness and physical nourishment. The desert represents the fear of abandonment, desperation, destitution, depravation, inadequacy and isolation. The clouds represent a protective nature from the harshness of the blazing desert sun. The woman represents lush abundance and love of the Earth. She offers fruits and beans representing proper diet and nutrution. The water springs up from deep in the Earth and flows out to quench the thirst of the barren desert. The palm trees represent fruitfulness and development. The antelope represents the tough, tenacious, independent and stableness of the Capricorn which also has a procreative and protective side.
Water of Earth

77 Knight / Rigorous
This card is about accuracy, thoroughness, material wealth and medical health. The golden yellow sky represents an expanding perception in a physical world. The green mountains show creative energy in renewable power. The man represents the serious, mature, yet boring person like an accountant, medical doctor or financial advisor type. His skin is orange showing his ability to combine willpower with material instincts. His hair is black with grey streaks representing wisdom and maturity. His black suit shows that he has a pragmatic or business instinct. His red tie represents the blood and sweat required to accomplish his task. The abacus of beans shows that he is detail oriented. The money bag represents wealth management. The man faces you in order to check your physical or financial health. This shows his analytical or diagnostic characteristics. The stag he rides on is his connection to the resource of the natural world. This resource that he cares for yet exploits at the same time. The ripe vines represent development, manifestation and harvest time.
Fire of Earth